Re: utl_mail adds CRLF at beginning of varchar2 attachments

From: Malcolm Dew-Jones <>
Date: 6 May 2008 13:14:26 -0800
Message-ID: <4820bc22$>

neil kodner ( wrote:
: Using on solaris, I'm trying to write some tests against
: utl_mail.send_attach_varchar2. I receive the email and the
: attachments, but the attachment always begins with a leading blank
: line. I've tried varying the att_mime_type but am still having the
: same problem. The leading blank line is preventing applications from
: interpreting my RTF text.

: Here's the code I'm using. This example uses RTF, but examples using
: straight text have also failed (below)

: rtf example:
: sender => ''
: ,recipients => ''
: ,cc => NULL
: ,bcc => NULL
: ,subject => 'send_attach_varchar2'
: ,message => 'here is a test of send_attach_varchar2'
: ,mime_type => 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii'
: ,priority => 3
: ,attachment => '{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
: \f0\pard This is some {\b bold} text.\par}'
: ,att_inline => TRUE
: ,att_mime_type=>'application/rtf'
: ,att_filename => 'rtftest2.rtf'
: );

: plain text example:
: sender => ''
: ,recipients => ''
: ,cc => NULL
: ,bcc => NULL
: ,subject => 'scheduled disco mail'
: ,message => 'Testing testing testing'
: ,mime_type => 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii'
: ,priority => 1
: ,attachment => 'should be in my attachment'
: ,att_inline => FALSE
: ,att_mime_type => 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii'
: ,att_filename => 'neil.txt'
: );

I'm not familiar with UTL_MAIL, but the mime type of a message with attachments can't be 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii' . It has to be some sort of multi part, like 'multipart/mixed' Received on Tue May 06 2008 - 16:14:26 CDT

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