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Re: Oracle costs and requirements

From: Matt Bailey <>
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 22:52:50 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 12:01:09 -0800, DA Morgan <> wrote:

> will give you list prices which, in reality,
>are near meaningless except as a starting point for discussions.

DA, thanks for the reply. Made me laugh in places :-)

I agree that it's a bit of a pants assignment. To be fair though, I didn't give the whole picture. The costings are not the whole assignment - just a small part of a bigger assignment.

The assignment is to implement a thick client and a thin client (web based) interface to a database for a fictional scenario (your choice of development technology and scenario) and to evaluate each development approach. The costing bit was tagged on to the end. Pasting:

Include a section costing out your two solutions stating any assumptions. Assume for example :-
(i) The Oracle site-licence fee and database server overheads are shared equally between your application and 3 others.

(ii) The hourly cost for a Database designer/engineer/tester is £90.

(iii) Include the first year of maintenance assuming 2 new tables will be added and 3 new screens designed and implemented.

The estimate need only be approximate but try to include all relevant expenses (assume the client-PCs and network have already been purchased and installed).

Since the cost predictions are based on my own scenario (a chain of Fitness Centres) the answers to your questions are pretty much down to my own envisaging of the fictional company. So there are no fixed requirements for the costing exercise - it's really what I decide myself.

>If the point is just to throw some garbage together and claim success
>then I'd suggest yougo to and price out a minimum
>license on Oracle SE1, load it on WhiteBox Linux on the least expensive
>Dell or Gateway box you can find, perhaps 2.8MHz with a gig of RAM and
>declare success.

Well, ideally I'd like to make it as realistic an estimate as possible, so I'll do some further investigating, but failing that, this looks like a good option!

Matt Received on Thu Nov 24 2005 - 16:52:50 CST

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