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Re: View updating in practice?

From: Niall Litchfield <>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 07:34:30 -0000
Message-ID: <3dce0c08$0$8514$>

"Jens Lechtenbörger" <> wrote in message
> > They don't know, they don't care, and likely they wouldn't understand it
> > in without taking a class or two.
> The question is the following: How dangerous are clueless users? If
> view updates are triggered from applications, then the application
> designer hopefully guarantees that the right things happen. If
> users access the database via SQL, they might delete valuable data.

you don't let (with any luck) users access the database directly using SQL tools, or write their own SQL. Inappropriate data deletion/modification is one reason, performance impact is another, auditing is yet a third. If BOB from accounts can issue Uodate emp set sal=sal*1.1 where ename='BOB'; you have a real problem. On a live database you try to make damn sure developers can't access it using sql tools either. A database's entire business purpose is as a data store for one or more applications.

In a development environment you can relax these restrictions somewhat for developers. You can always rebuild the database.

> As I said above (and unfortunately did not make clear in my original
> posting): I'm concerned about users (or developers) with SQL access.
> I hope that they know tuples...

If the data is important just don't let them access the db directly. It doesn't matter if it is a table or a view that they are accessing (or an index they create/drop or whatever) direct sql access is far far more dangerous than using or not using views.

Um anyway back to the question.... I'm with Daniel, update views in your application, wherever it makes sense to. Its part of the functionality of the database and has its appropriate (and inappropriate) uses.

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA
Audit Commission UK
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Received on Sun Nov 10 2002 - 01:34:30 CST

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