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Re: Help with Pers. Oracle8 Install Please

From: <>
Date: 1998/02/05
Message-ID: <>#1/1

On Wed, 4 Feb 1998 08:40:11 +0200, "Billy Verreynne" <> wrote:

> wrote in message <>...
>> Greetings. I've run into a snag in my Personal Oracle 8
>>install. Can anyone help? I know I need more memory, but before
>>I run to the store I'd like some advice.
>> The problem is this: Runme.bat doesn't run right.
>> My box is a plain vanilla P166/ 3.1gig/16meg RAM with
>And that's the problem. Oracle 8 only runs on chocmint and rum-and-raisin
>flavours of the P166 CPU... ;-)
>You don't need the RUNME.BAT file to unpack the Oracle EXEs you've
>downloaded. You need to run each of the EXEs to unpack the contents of these
>files into installation subdirectories. The reason why you need -o parameter
>is to tell the EXE to unpack its files into subdirectories (which the EXE
>will create itself). If you don't use it, the EXE will unpack all its files
>into the current directory. The installation program will then not work as
>it expects the installation files to be in various subdirectories.
>Ok, now to create your own RUNME.BAT file. Open a DOS Window in Win95. Go to
>the directory (e.g. c:\downloads) where all the Oracle EXEs are. In this
>directory type the following command: DIR/B *.exe > MYRUN.BAT
>This command create a file called MYRUN.BAT and that contains a listing of
>all the EXEs in that directory. Now type the command NOTEPAD MYRUN.BAT to
>edit the file. Add the -o parameter to each line in the file. Save the file
>and go back to the Dos Window. Now type the command MYRUN to unpack the
>Oracle EXEs into subdirectories. After this is done, exit the Dos Window.
>Load Explorer and go to the directory in which you have unpacked the Oracle
>EXEs. There should be an Oracle subdirectory called WIN95 or something (e.g.
>c:\downloads\win95). Inside that subdirectory there will be an installation
>program called SETUP.EXE or ORAINST.EXE. Double click on that program to
>start the installation.

Okay Great!

        First thought,... another question:
In frustration with this problem I sucked it up and bought a book with PO7.3 on a CD in the back( The Oracle site no longer offfers the free version except for Macs). That installed without a hitch. I've seen the term "migrate" used and the process seems to make for headaches for some users. Should I do an "uninstall "first? Maybe rename the Orawin Dir to avoid any overwrite type problems? I can live with PO7.3 , but learning PO8 might give me a hiring edge later on because  I believe the Oracle Corp. will score big with this version, though it may take the coporate world 2-3 years to catch on. Your's or other's comments are respected and welcome. My hearty thanks to you and those other's who responded. I also got some nice ideas from a Mr. Larry Ellison. (HHOS) ; ) Received on Thu Feb 05 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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