Load overshooting ONE server

From: <bit-naughty_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 23:24:19 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <1f16973f-fbba-4405-a054-8737538bb5a2_at_googlegroups.com>

[Quoted] [Quoted] [Quoted] [Quoted] If you have a website whose main job is to put in and retrieve from a MySQL DB, and the load of the site overshoots 1 server, what do you do, exactly? If you add *webservers* for the site, and load blance between them, that doesn't solve the problem, because the load on the MySQL server will remain the same. Do you have to add *another MySQL sserver*, and then copy the entire database over from the existing server to the new one, and load balance between THOSE 2? How is this done? And then, how do you do it so that an INSERT into the db INSERTs into BOTH those servers? And if more servers are added later, then those, and so on....?

Thanks. Received on Tue Sep 06 2016 - 08:24:19 CEST

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