RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: rman backup slow even after patching it

From: Beckstrom, Jeffrey <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2022 13:44:13 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Co-worker found note RMAN Backup is Slow after 19.11 Release Update ( Doc ID 2846457.1<> ).

I set pga_aggregate_limit in the CDB and PDB. I set pga_aggregate_target in the PDB to the same as in the CDB.

Trace file shows:

Adjusting buffer count to honor available PGA; old bufcnt: 4, new bufcnt: 2, pga_agg_limit: 0, pga_agg_target: 0, pga_agg_used: 881709295, pga_available: 0
Adjusting buffer count to honor available PGA; old bufcnt: 4, new bufcnt: 2, pga_agg_limit: 0, pga_agg_target: 0, pga_agg_used: 881709295, pga_available: 0
Adjusting buffer count to honor available PGA; old bufcnt: 5, new bufcnt: 2, pga_agg_limit: 0, pga_agg_target: 0, pga_agg_used: 881709295, pga_available: 0
Adjusting buffer count to honor available PGA; old bufcnt: 6, new bufcnt: 2, pga_agg_limit: 0, pga_agg_target: 0, pga_agg_used: 881709295, pga_available: 0
Adjusting buffer count to honor available PGA; old bufcnt: 4, new bufcnt: 2, pga_agg_limit: 0, pga_agg_target: 0, pga_agg_used: 881709295, pga_available: 0
Adjusting buffer count to honor available PGA; old bufcnt: 5, new bufcnt: 2, pga_agg_limit: 0, pga_agg_target: 0, pga_agg_used: 881709295, pga_available: 0
Adjusting buffer count to honor available PGA; old bufcnt: 8, new bufcnt: 2, pga_agg_limit: 0, pga_agg_target: 0, pga_agg_used: 881709295, pga_available: 0
Adjusting buffer count to honor available PGA; old bufcnt: 16, new bufcnt: 2, pga_agg_limit: 0, pga_agg_target: 0, pga_agg_used: 881709295, pga_available: 0
Backup envisage an unusual situation due to PGA memory availability: we are using only 2 read threads (instead of 9) for the current backup session [dbsorat06:/oracle/db/diag/rdbms/cdb01t06/cdb01t06/trace:] $

You will noitice in the above pga_agg_limit and target are showing as 0!!!!!

This is an EBS database, as such, the PDB name is LOWER CASE. could that be causing the problem?

From: <> On Behalf Of Mark W. Farnham Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 9:03 AM
To:; Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: rman backup slow even after patching it

In a rare factual error my friend Mladen missed that the list is ascending.

Still probably a network issue. Smirk. Unless that is backup & recovery read time (The key thing that *might* tell you a *lot* would be separation of I/O into I and O). I cannot remember their detailed description of this event and I'm too lazy to too it up. But I did re-arrange the output for that one line into "What" and useful "How much" columns.

Notice that the "also ran" second place was only about a minute of total wait. So this one bundled line for I and O is pretty much everything. So 41 milliseconds per I/O and I have no idea what a raw system level I/O between your source system and backup system is, or what size RMAN's I/O unit is (min, max, average) as configured. If you have some idea of the total bytes written, you could do a system to system level I/O of that size (maybe a bundle of 100 or 1000 repeats, so any possible begin and end process time error is minimized) and get a clue whether I/O time between systems is the problem, rather than something more complex inside Oracle.

Without measuring a damn thing, the first thing I would do is check whether the "mount" strings for your destination are different between 11 and 19.

If that's not it, the system to system i/o speed check is next up in figuring out what is next. (My smirk is that your new 19 system probably has a network consumption limiter on some Quality of Service protected Virtual network that someone forgot is 100% for you. That's also worth a quick non-scientific ask if your relationship with the network team is good. IF they got it wrong, the reactions I've seen range from "oops, sorry, we'll try not to do that again" to "Grr. I'll fix it, but I'll get you back sooner or later. (in thought) while saying "YOU should have told us you needed a non-standard QOS configuration." Converting warring camps (sysadmin, storage admin, network admin, DBAs) into teams was both the most challenging part of my career and when occasionally successful the best feeling.

Good luck.


What: 38 RMAN backup & recovery I/O System I/O                    3

How much: total waits   timeouts  ave wait  max wait   time waited in seconds   time waited in hours
                          125702                0    4.1 (cs)          178                      5159.53525                              1.42

  1 select sess_ev.*,
  2 time_waited_micro/1000000 time_waited_in_sec   3 from v$session_event sess_ev
  4 where sid=&1
  5* order by time_waited

From:<> [] On Behalf Of Mladen Gogala Sent: Monday, August 15, 2022 11:46 PM
To:<> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: rman backup slow even after patching it

On 8/15/22 15:16, Beckstrom, Jeffrey wrote: The most significant event is ":


---------- --------------------------- ----------- -------------- -----------
------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- -----------
-------------------- ---------- ------------------
        38 SQL*Net message to client           383              0           0
           0          0               424 2067390145    2000153315           7
Network                       3            .000424

        38 db file scattered read               35              0          31
          .9          5            314295  506183215    1740759767           8
User I/O                      3            .314295

Jeff, I wonder how is it that an experienced DBA like you still hasn't learned one of the basic rules of database administration: whenever it is unclear what's going on, it's a network problem. Network engineers have to prove their innocence, over and over again. You can sweeten the things up by saying that it used to work until yesterday and then by asking them what did they do yesterday? Being a network engineer entails large dose of masochism and equally large dose of sadism. Network engineers are blamed for everything, including the climate change, but they also can prevent any progress in your projects by being strict enough with the firewall.

Your most waited on event is SQL Net message to client. That means that one of your clients cannot receive data as fast as Oracle can deliver. Sounds rare, and it is, at least to my knowledge. This very probably is a network problem.


Mladen Gogala

Database Consultant

Tel: (347) 321-1217<>

-- Received on Tue Aug 16 2022 - 15:44:13 CEST

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