Re: [EXTERNAL] For those supporting EBS with 19c

From: Mark Burgess <"Mark>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 07:52:59 +1100
Message-ID: <e5a9a6f0-e4de-4412-b773-19362b8c9f8b_at_Spark>

Hi Jeff,

that should be ok - the majority of the EBS 19c upgrade PDB conversion scripts will check for error codes in the script log. So long as the step is completing ok without error you should be good to go.

Note - once you have run the avoid making any parameter or structural changes to the database until after the PDB conversion has completed later in the upgrade process.


On 29 Mar 2022, 6:26 AM +1100, Beckstrom, Jeffrey <>, wrote:
> Upgrading 11g to 19c.
> Running script has message in the log file of the below:
> Pattern: error
> could not find the pattern
> Is it stating that it is looking for the message “error” and does not find it so it is okay or is there a problem somewhere?
> Jeffrey Beckstrom
> Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
> 1240 W. 6th Street
> Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Received on Mon Mar 28 2022 - 22:52:59 CEST

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