Merge Statement Question

From: Scott Canaan <>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2021 15:36:00 +0000
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to use the merge statement. I have used it in the past, but not in a long time. I'm getting an ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined error, but it is complaining about the first "when" (when matched then) and I can't see why. Here's the statement:

merge into coopeval_owner.students a

   using (select z.rit_uid, z.lastname, z.firstname, z.middlename, z.gender, z.citizenship1, z.citizenship2,
                 z.ethnicity, z.sterm, z.year_level, z.primary_program, z.registered, z.regcoop,
                 z.dce, z.preferred_email, z.gpa, z.cum_gpa, z.completion_term,
                 z.expectedgradterm, z.leavingdate, reasonleaving,
                 z.facadvisorlastname, z.facadvisorfirstname, z.facadvisoruid, z.facadvisoremail, z.advisorlastname,
                 z.advisorfirstname, z.advisoruid, z.advisoremail, z.ntidsupportfacadvisorlastname,
                 z.ntidsupportfacadvisorfirstname, z.ntidsupportfacadvisoruid, z.ntidsupportfacadvisoremail,
                 z.campus, z.numcoops, z.degree_checkout_status, z.numcoops,
            from coopeval_owner.sis_import z,
                 coopeval_owner.programs p
          where z.primary_program = p.code
            and z.rit_uid is not null
            and z.dce is not null) b

   on (a.rituid = b.rit_uid)
   when matched then update set a.lastname = b.lastname, a.firstname = b.firstname, a.middlename = b.middlename,
                     a.gender = b.gender, a.citizenship1 = b.citizenship1, a.citizenship2 = b.citizenship2,
                     a.ethnicity = b.ethnicity, a.currentterm = b.currentterm, a.currentyear = b.year_level,
                     a.currentdce = b.dce, a.isregistered = b.registered, a.isregisteredcoop = b.regcoop,
                     a.currentemail = b.preferred_email, a.currentgpa = b.gpa, a.currentcumgpa = b.cum_gpa,
                     a.currentcompletionterm = b.completion_term, a.currentexpectedgradterm = b.expectedgradterm,
                     a.currentleavingdate = b.leavingdate, a.reasonleaving = b.currentleavingreason,
                     a.modifieddate = sysdate, a.facadvisorlastname = b.facadvisorlastname,
                     a.facadvisorfirstname = b.facadvisorfirstname, a.facadvisorid = b.facadvisoruid,
                     a.facadvisoremail = b.facadvisoremail, a.advisorlastname = b.advisorlastname, a.advisorfirstname = b.advisorfirstname,
                     a.advisorid = b.advisoruid, a.advisoremail = b.advisoremail, a.currentprogramid =,
                     a.ntidsupportfacadvisorlastname = b.ntidsupportfacadvisorlastname,
                     a.ntidsupportfacadvisorfirstname = b.ntidsupportfacadvisorfirstname,
                     a.ntidsupportfacadvisorid = b.ntidsupportfacadvisoruid, a.ntidsupportfacadvisoremail = b.ntidsupportfacadvisoremail,
                     a.campus = b.campus, a.numcoops = b.numcoops, a.degreecheckoutstatus = b.degree_checkout_status
   when not matched then insert values (b.rituid, b.lastname, b.firstname, b.middlename, b.gender, b.isntid, b.isaalana, b.citizenship1, b.citizenship2,
                     b.ethnicity, b.currentterm, b.currentyear, b.currentprogramid, b.currentsecondaryprogramid, b.currentdce, b.currentemail,
                     b.currentgpa, b.currentcumgpa, b.currentcompletionterm, b.currentexpectedgradterm, 0, 0,
                     b.leavingdate, b.reasonleaving, b.currentadvisorlastname, b.currentadvisorfirstname, b.currentadvisoruid, b.currentadvisoremail,
                     sysdate, sysdate, b.campus, b.facadvisorlastname, b.facadvisorfirstname, b.facadvisormiddlename, b.facadvisoruid,
                     b.facadvisoremail, b.advisorlastname, b.advisorfirstname, b.advisorid, b.advisoremail, b.ntidsupportfacadvisorlastname,
                     b.ntidsupportfacadvisorfirstname, b.ntidsupportfacadvisorid, b.ntidsupportfacadvisoremail, b.numcoops, b.degreecheckoutstatus);

Scott Canaan '88
Sr Database Administrator
Information & Technology Services
Finance & Administration
Rochester Institute of Technology
o: (585) 475-7886 | f: (585) 475-7520<> | c: (585) 339-8659

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Received on Tue Nov 02 2021 - 16:36:00 CET

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