RE: Characterset change

From: Tiwari, Yogesh <"Tiwari,>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 03:20:42 +0000
Message-ID: <>


On a side note. Since you are are on RHEL 6.7, which is due for EOL and so is 12.1 by year-end. You might want to club this migration within same downtime(unless, ofcourse you want to create a physical standby(mounted) which doesn't need extra license other than EE. Don't open it in read-only).

In my experience, you might want to work with application team around lossy data that has no means of conversion. Most of the times vendor applications built on such code pages don't readily change, and you end up continuing the same.

  • DBMA ll let you validate changes, and you can put of it in an excel(report) and compute storage requirements. You may want to add some buffer as well.
  • Datapump ll not handle lossy data.
  • TTS can't be used for characterset change.

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From: [] On Behalf Of Upendra nerilla Sent: 17 January 2019 01:42
To: Oracle-L <> Subject: Characterset change

Hello Oracle Experts -

Environment: Redhat 6.7, EE 12.1
DB size: 4TB

We have been looking into switching the Characterset of a DB from "WE8ISO8859P15" to "AL16UTF8". This is a standalone Enterprise Edition database (non-RAC, No Data Guard).

We have looked at DB Migration Assistant and DataPump as possible options. Both involves quite a bit of downtime, wondering if there is a better way to perform this activity? Would Transportable tablespace be an option?

Thanks much in advance

Received on Thu Jan 17 2019 - 04:20:42 CET

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