Convert PLSQL update with forall

From: amonte <>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2018 17:42:16 +0200
Message-ID: <>


I have a plsql procedure which contains a complex cursor and a couple of update statements using the cursor output, it looks like


for indx in (complex query)

if indx.c10 = 'NO' then
update t1
set c3 = c2 + c4
where c1 = indx.c1
and c2 = indx.c2;
update t1
set c5 = c7 + c8
where c1 = indx.c1
and c2 = indx.c2
end if;

end loop;

The cursor (join of 7 tabls and a few EXISTS subqueries) returns aproximately 2 million rows and the process is not as fast as desired. I was looking into FORALL to improve this procedure but I cannot find a way due to the conditional updates (two different update statements). Anyone's got an idea if FORALL can be implemented in such situations?

Thank you very much


Received on Sun May 20 2018 - 17:42:16 CEST

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