Re: Microsoft April Security Patch

From: Stefan Koehler <>
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 22:33:55 +0200 (CEST)
Message-ID: <>

Hey Jeff,

> System Admins say they haven't seen any increases in other non oracle servers. I looked up the patch and there is some fixes in there for Total Meltdown.  Wondering if this is contributing to increase CPU.

I can not say anything about the Microsoft patches but all OS vendor solutions / fixes are basically the same as on Linux. So yes, the Meltdown patches can cause an increase in CPU load (and drop in performance) depending on the amount of syscalls that the application (in your case Oracle) does, e.g. if the Oracle database is mainly I/O driven (no matter if disk or network).

Here is some further information:
* *

Best Regards
Stefan Koehler

Independent Oracle performance consultant and researcher Website:
Twitter: _at_OracleSK

> Jeff Chirco <> hat am 28. April 2018 um 00:32 geschrieben:
> Anybody apply the Microsoft April security patches (KB 4093118)  to their server and noticing an 8-10% increase in CPU?  I have noticed an increase on our two Windows servers immediately after the install on our Oracle database servers.  System Admins say they haven't seen any increases in other non oracle servers. I looked up the patch and there is some fixes in there for Total Meltdown.  Wondering if this is contributing to increase CPU.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

Received on Sun Apr 29 2018 - 22:33:55 CEST

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