Re: AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE is every row

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2018 10:34:11 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Hi Jonathan,

I couldn't agree more. I'm testing a setup with one of my clients, with OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING=11. So far, everything looks right. There were crippling bugs with that setting but after a few proactive bundles, things look stable.


On 01/27/2018 06:20 AM, Jonathan Lewis wrote:
> For any sufficiently large table using dbms_stats to gather stats is (almost certainly) a mistake anyway.
> In your case "sufficiently large" should probably be interpreted as "a table for which a full tablescan is too much work" - others may have a more subtle interpretation (though with a similar intent).
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis

Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217

Received on Sat Jan 27 2018 - 16:34:11 CET

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