Re: ACE Points for Oracle-L

From: Tim Gorman <>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 06:27:20 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On this list, where substantiation is expected, it is better not to make such statements unless prepared to prove them.

Merry Christmas, and a happy healthy and prosperous new year!

On 12/22/16 23:55, Mladen Gogala wrote:
> On 12/22/2016 10:41 PM, Tim Gorman wrote:
>> Mladen,
>> In the spirit of protecting against "fake news", perhaps you'd care
>> to substantiate any of these "truths" you've learned about the ACE
>> program?
> There is only one statement I made, so there is no need for plural.
> And I wouldn't care to substantiate it, any more than I already have.
> I said in my first email that I don't intend to discuss it at length,
> so I will not discuss it any further. Merry Christmas.

Received on Fri Dec 23 2016 - 14:27:20 CET

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