RE: index hint returns wrong results

From: Terrian, Thomas J CTR (US) <"Terrian,>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 13:50:50 +0000
Message-ID: <EC0CCA09F117ED43ACBDEEF40E0BB4944BD6E886_at_HL01DAG4MB2.DIR.AD.DLA.MIL>

That is interesting.

Even when I use the partition name, I still get bad results:

select /*+ index(t1 ind1) */ count(*)
from scott.t1 partition (sys_p14)
where f1 = 'one' and f2 = ' ';



There is only 1 row in that table where f1 = 'one' and f2 = ' '.

And I see partition pruning in the explain plan when it tries to access the table (not for the global index of course).

-----Original Message-----

From: Jonathan Lewis [] Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 8:05 AM
To: Terrian, Thomas J CTR (US); Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: index hint returns wrong results

If the table is partitioned then I think it's possible for the error to appear as a result of procedural error on the part of the application.

I'd have to check but I think you might be able to do an exchange partition including indexes without validation that got data into the wrong partition which wouldn't be seen by a (partition eliminating) tablescan but was seen by a range scan of a global index.

This may be version dependent, of course thanks to enhancements in global index usage.

Jonathan Lewis

From: [] on behalf of Terrian, Thomas J CTR (US) [] Sent: 08 March 2016 12:32
Subject: index hint returns wrong results

Oracle 12c.

Am I missing something or is this a bug? Using an index hint returns the wrong results. Does it matter if the table is partitioned and the index is global or even what fields are in the index? I can't see how any of that should matter. The results should be the same:

select /*+ index(t1 ind1) */ count(*)
from scott.t1
where f1 = 'one' and f2 = ' ';



select count(*)
from scott.t1
where f1 = 'one' and f2 = ' ';




-- Received on Tue Mar 08 2016 - 14:50:50 CET

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