RE: TAF or ONS/FAN/FCF for Wildfly

From: Mike Killough <>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2016 11:10:02 -0600
Message-ID: <BAY172-W10C272F7BC6E5AE10D14A2C2B10_at_phx.gbl>

I believe TAF is working fine. I am logged on to sqlplus to monitor connections in gv$session and my session fails back and forth with no issue. I can see that Wildfly's pooled connections move to the other instance and the failed_over column in gv$sessions equals yes, but then Wildfly disconnects all those sessions and creates new connections. For FCF, I'm able to configure Wildfly to accept fast-connection-failover-enabled and ONS-configuration but when I stop the clusterware and the database service fails over, there are no pooled connections.


Subject: Re: TAF or ONS/FAN/FCF for Wildfly To:
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2016 15:14:50 -0500

    On 03/04/2016 10:10 AM, Mike Killough

      Has anyone gotten either TAF or ONS/FAN/FCF working
        with Oracle and Wildfly for the app servers? The database is and Wildfly is 8.2.0. I have had no luck and can get
        into detail if someone has experience with this.



    While having no experience with either wild or domestic flies, I
    have configured TAF for Java applications. Basically, it's all in
    the TNS entry that your application uses to connect. Here is the
    document which explains how to do it:


    The applications that I have been helping with were written using
    Hibernate framework which is not so popular any more.


Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA
Tel: (347) 321-1217
Received on Mon Mar 07 2016 - 18:10:02 CET

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