RE: Character set conversion and database size

From: Neil Chandler <>
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2015 00:07:11 +0100
Message-ID: <DUB113-W7576E1BEAE8C7CA977E85F857C0_at_phx.gbl>

AL32UTF8 stores character in a variable amount of bytes, between 1 and 4 depending upon the character being stored.

If all you ever store are standard English letters, the DB size should be the same. However, there are a couple of considerations which could cause problems, depending upon your setting of NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS: The default is BYTE, meaning a VARCHAR2(1) has 1 byte available to store the characters. Storing characters which take more bytes can cause errors. For example WE8 character sets use 1 byte to store a British Pound symbol "£" or a Euro "€", whereas UTF8 takes 2 bytes. You will get a value-too-large error if you try to store a "£" in a VARCHAR2(1 BYTE) column. "Hello World!" will take 12 bytes in both WE8 and AL32UTF8"Hello World£" will take 12 bytes in WE8 but 13 bytes in AL32UTF8 If you change NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS to CHAR (or create the tables explicitly with the CHAR option on each column), the database will create the underlying definition for the column to have 4 bytes per character instead of 1, meaning a VARCHAR2(1) has 4 bytes available to it. This cannot exceed the column maximums, so a VARCHAR2(1000) has 4000 bytes available but a VARCHAR2(4000) only has 4000 bytes available to it. There is the potential for performance problems here. If the number of bytes of a tables definition exceeds the Oracle block size, Oracle will not perform set-based operations efficiently. For example, doing a FOR ALL insert will revert to a row-by-row, slow-by-slow, insert. Having NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS of CHAR means all of your VARCHAR2 columns will be 4 times larger. A VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) has an underlying definition of 1020 bytes. If you have 8 such columns in a table with a standard 8k block size, and Oracle will assume you will get chained rows due to the potentially large row size and go row-by-row. You should look at dba_tab_columns at the data_length, char_length and char_used columns. AL16UTF16 stores characters in a fixed 2-byte format, which is better to use if you mainly store characters which have 3 and 4 byte representations in UTF8, like simplified Chinese, but will double the size of an English-based database. regards
Neil ChandlerHey, let’s be careful out there.

> Oracle on Red Hat Linux.
> IT management is pushing us to migrate our databases to the Unicode character set ( NLS_CHARACTERSET= WE8MSWIN1252 to AL32UTF8). One of my internal customers is concerned that conversion to multibyte characters will dramatically increase the size of the database. I know that for VARCHAR2s Oracle only allocates storage for the actual characters stored in the string regardless maximum defined size of the column. Does the same idea apply a VARCHAR2 column whose contents can be coded as single bytes or does "Hello world!" actually take twice as much space in Unicode as it does in the default character set?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> --

Received on Sat Aug 15 2015 - 01:07:11 CEST

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