RE: Oracle Instance Name and Listener Port information

From: Hodge, Cameron <>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:50:44 +0800
Message-ID: <>

Hiya Sanjay,

        Here is the code I used to this exact task. Its not the prettiest sql, but does the job. Just run as sysman.

set pagesize 100000
set linesize 1000

host_short || '.' || sid || '=

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = '|| hostname || ')(PORT = '|| port ||'))
      '|| case when instr(service_name,'XDB') > 0 then Null else '(SERVICE_NAME = '|| service_name  ||')' end  ||
      '(SID = '|| SID  ||')

from (SELECT                                                                                                                    --target_name,
          UPPER (host_name) hostname,
           UPPER (SUBSTR (t.host_name, 1, INSTR (t.host_name, '.') - 1)) HOST_SHORT,

(SUBSTR (t.host_name, INSTR (t.host_name, '.') + 1, LENGTH (t.host_name))) DOMAIN,
(SELECT p.property_value
FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'Port' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) port, 'sys/anything_at_' || host_name || ':' || (SELECT p.property_value FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'Port' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) || '/' || (SELECT p.property_value FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'ServiceName' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) || ' as sysdba' Connection_string,
(SELECT tp.property_value
FROM mgmt$target_properties tp WHERE tp.target_type = 'host' AND tp.property_name = 'IP_address' AND tp.target_name = t.host_name) ip,
(SELECT p.property_value
FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'DBVersion' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) DB_Version,
(SELECT p.property_value
FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'OracleHome' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) oh,
(SELECT p.property_value
FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'ServiceName' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) Service_name,
(SELECT p.property_value
FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'log_archive_mode' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) logmode, UPPER ( (SELECT p.property_value FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'SID' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid)) sid,
(SELECT p.property_value
FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'CPUCount' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) CPU, ROUND ( SYSDATE - TO_DATE ( (SELECT p.property_value FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'StartTime' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 0) Days_Uptime,
(SELECT p.property_value
FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'StartTime' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) Uptime,
(SELECT p.property_value
FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'VersionCategory' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) VersionCategory,
(SELECT p.property_value
FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'VersionBanner' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid) VersionBanner, CASE WHEN (INSTR ( (SELECT UPPER (p.property_value) FROM mgmt$target_properties p WHERE p.property_name = 'VersionBanner' AND p.target_guid = t.target_guid), 'ENTERPRISE')) > 0 THEN 'Enterprise' ELSE 'Standard/Standard One' END Edition,
FROM MGMT$ECM_VISIBLE_SNAPSHOTS A, SYSMAN.MGMT_DB_INIT_PARAMS_ECM B WHERE A.ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID = B.ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID AND a.TARGET_TYPE = 'oracle_database' AND = 'control_file_record_keep_time' AND a.target_guid = t.target_guid) control_file_record_keep_time,
FROM MGMT$ECM_VISIBLE_SNAPSHOTS A, SYSMAN.MGMT_DB_INIT_PARAMS_ECM B WHERE A.ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID = B.ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID AND a.TARGET_TYPE = 'oracle_database' AND = 'optimizer_features_enable' AND a.target_guid = t.target_guid) optimizer_features_enable,
(SELECT ROUND (b.VALUE / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2)
FROM MGMT$ECM_VISIBLE_SNAPSHOTS A, SYSMAN.MGMT_DB_INIT_PARAMS_ECM B WHERE A.ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID = B.ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID AND a.TARGET_TYPE = 'oracle_database' AND = 'memory_target' AND a.target_guid = t.target_guid) memory_target,
(SELECT sessions_highwater
FROM MGMT$ECM_VISIBLE_SNAPSHOTS A, SYSMAN.MGMT_DB_license_ECM B WHERE A.ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID = B.ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID AND TARGET_TYPE = 'oracle_database' AND a.target_guid = t.target_guid) sessions_highwater,
(SELECT sessions_current
FROM MGMT$ECM_VISIBLE_SNAPSHOTS A, SYSMAN.MGMT_DB_license_ECM B WHERE A.ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID = B.ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID AND TARGET_TYPE = 'oracle_database' AND a.target_guid = t.target_guid) sessions_current FROM mgmt$target t WHERE t.target_type IN ('oracle_database')) Raw_data order by host_short, sid;

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Sanjay Mishra Sent: Friday, 25 October 2013 12:33 PM
Subject: Oracle Instance Name and Listener Port information

Does any one knows as how I can get Instance name and Listener Port configured on the database server from Oracle enterprise Manager Repository tables. I has 1200 database in one of the new client and want to create the tnsentry locally so that I can connect them. going to 100's of server with multiple database on multiple port is very time consuming process. As I had Grid control setup and so thought that if I can get the tablename which has the information then can can create tnsentry using script


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