Re: Oracle RAC DRM - What is PREVIOUS_MASTER '32767'?

From: PD Malik <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2011 17:55:46 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Hello Gopal, Thanks for answering my question.

I just ordered and received your 10g RAC book this weekend.. yet to start reading it will probably wait for the 11g book till the year end and will buy when we start the 11g upgrade project.

I'd have thought that these views v$gcspfmaster_info & v$hvmaster_info - wont have the object listed in them at all if an object has never been mastered before? For example, we've thousands of object and this view only contains 73 :

SQL> select count(*) from v$gcspfmaster_info;   COUNT(*)

SQL> select count(*) from v$gcspfmaster_info where previous_master = 32767;   COUNT(*)


And out of these 72 of 32K previous master!

So am not sure what I am missing here please? Am still confused :-(

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 5:24 PM, K Gopalakrishnan <> wrote:

> If you can wait for another month you might find the details in my
> upcoming 11g RAC book. However here is the short answer.
> When you see 32K for the previous master, it just means that object
> was never been mastered. When you see 32K for current master, it means
> the object was just dissolved its affinity or read mostly behavior in
> the last 10 minutes (i.e the DRM cycle). Read mostly locking is the
> new enhancement to the cache fusion protocol in 11g .
> -Gopal
> > What does the the number 32767 denote in v$gcspfmaster_info &
> v$hvmaster_info please? I can see the other numbers denote each of my RAC
> instances in a 5 node RAC but what is 32767?
> >
> >
> > Cant think of anything concrete so if someone an please help will be
> good with some good reference articles to read about it as well please?

Received on Tue Jul 05 2011 - 11:55:46 CDT

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