Physical Standby Issue

From: <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2011 10:26:59 -0700
Message-Id: <>

Have a physical standby database on an alternate server/location which received a corrupt log file from the primary.  Attempted to copy the logfile from the primary, but original file must be corrupt.  Oracle support has not been any help and unable to escalate the issue at this time.   We figure the best solution is to restore the database from a recent backup and recreate the physical standby.  When this was done and the database recovery was initiated again, the standby database was still looking for the corrupt logfile even though it was created before the backup.  When I query v$archived_log it shows all of the log files that need to be applied, including the corrupt file.  Is there any way to reset the primary so I can create a new physical standby?  It seems to still have information related to the old standby database. Thoughts??
-- Received on Tue Jul 05 2011 - 12:26:59 CDT

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