Logical Standby - dba_logstdby_skip.error

From: Roger Xu <wellmetus_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 16:59:56 -0600
Message-ID: <eb64345d1001141459i1a91c7c0r54c5333eba12fcf_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi List,

Oracle doc says that dba_logstdby_skip.error indicates "whether the statement should be skipped (Y) or just return errors for the statement (N)". What does this really mean?

Below shows that no DML is applied for tables owned by userA and userC. All DML are applied for userB except table1 and table2, correct?

SQL> select OWNER, NAME, ERROR, STATEMENT_OPT from dba_logstdby_skip order by OWNER;

OWNER                          NAME                           ERR STAT
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- ----
USERA                          %                              N   DML
USERB                          TABLE1                         N   DML
 USERB                          TABLE2                         N   DML
USERC                          %                              N   DML

4 rows selected.

SQL> Thanks,

Roger Xu

Received on Thu Jan 14 2010 - 16:59:56 CST

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