Re: datapump export to pipe

From: Fuad Habash <>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 10:54:13 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Let me propose an elgant way to do it. I always use it when needing to export a db on a host with scarce storage. I run my expdp in network mode. With this setup, I connect to db 1 on host 1 and create a link to db 2 on host 2 inside db 1. I then run expdp on host 1 using parameter 'network=link_to_db2. This causes db2 to get exported to a file on host 1 over the network.
There are may exciting manuevers you can perform with the 'netwoek' params while importing or exporting.
You can actually exp/imp from/to local/remote without ever needing to use a dump file.

Hope this helps

Thank You.

-- Received on Fri Oct 09 2009 - 09:54:13 CDT

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