Hash Table Infrastructure ran out of memory

From: Taral Desai <taral.desai_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 23:20:29 -0500
Message-ID: <2b0cd5cd0908262120k11c9eb92l80378b1e09da1910_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Gurus,
We are using oracle on sparc solaris 64 bit with 16 CPU and 32GB of physical memory. Our sga_target is 12G and pga target is 15G.

We are receiving
ORA-32690: Hash Table Infrastructure ran out of memory

We had identified query which is running in parallel 8 and using huge hash group by. May be due to that this error is there. But here are some questions

  1. How to find why this error is coming. Any trace dump or pga dump can help ? Because i believe it was not using temp space at all. We have 2 TB temp space free.
  2. i think for hash group by if it don't get any memory it spill to temp ? then why this error
  3. How to monitor this while this error is happening.
  4. How to dig into issue using dumps and what to look for.

5 IS PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET only use 5 % for each parallel process


Thanks & Regards,
Taral Desai
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http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-l Received on Wed Aug 26 2009 - 23:20:29 CDT

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