Re: Archive logs & physical standby

From: Frank Pettinato <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:44:31 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

This only works if your LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_N is set to MANDATORY. If you set the physical Standby archive_dest_n to mandatory the Primary WAITS for archive to be applied on the standby.


  • Original Message ---- From: Remigiusz Sokolowski <> To: Cc: Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 12:46:23 AM Subject: Re: Archive logs & physical standby

Don Granaman wrote:
> Me: "How can a 10.2 physical standby (LGWR + ASYNC) be configured to
> automatically purge the archive logs from the primary after they have been
> applied?"
> Support: "For logical standby we have the automation is in place. for
> physical standby you have to do the purge manually for now"
> Is this true? It seems like there should be something better by now.
> --

in RMAN there is a setting ARCHIVELOG DELETION POLICY, which can be set to APPLIED ON STANDBY
According to doc
"Governs archived redo log deletion policy for the flash recovery area. Possible settings are:


      |APPLIED ON STANDBY| - enables flash recovery area to delete
      archivelogs that are applied on mandatory standby. See Oracle Data
      Guard Concepts and Administration
      for details."

Does it seem like something You need?


Remigiusz Sokolowski <>
WP/PTI/DIP/ZAB (+04858) 52 15 770
MySQL v04.x,05.x; Oracle v10.x

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Received on Thu Mar 20 2008 - 11:44:31 CDT

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