Re: Help w/ RMAN....

From: GovindanK <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 00:40:18 UT
Message-Id: <>

It is better to have separate catalog schema for registration for each major version of the db (eg) rmancat9i , rmancat10g, rmancat11g; As soon as the migration/upgrade completes register with the new rman schema.

HTH GovindanK
On Wed, 09 Jan 2008 02:46:37 +0300, "Andrey Kriushin" <Andrey.Kriushin_at_rd> said:

  definitely agree. For Mark's situation it would be preferable   to postpone solving the problems with the recovery catalog for   some future time. Hopefully, the necessary backup records are   still there, in the restored controlfile.   In addition I'd only recommend to perform an export of the   rman_at_rmancat schema. Or make any other backup of the database   containing the rman schema.

  • Andrey GovindanK wrote:

  The following would need to be done.

  1. Set env to 9i
  2. Restore 9i controlfile
  3. Exit from rman / catalog
  4. rman nocatalog
  5. connect target (will say using target control file)
  6. restore your db, recover till the last shutdown in 9i, open resetlogs.
Received on Tue Jan 08 2008 - 18:40:18 CST

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