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RE: Where To Use Additional Memory

From: Post, Ethan <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 09:39:15 -0600
Message-ID: <>

There are many possible reasons for this...

  1. You did not increase the size of the Oracle Buffer Cache to take advantage of the new memory.
  2. Your performance problems were already related to excessive logical IO and adding memory will only add to the problem.
  3. There is a disk/cpu or network bottleneck, no amount of new memory will solve this.
  4. Hardware isn't good at compensating for poor application design.

Why don't you post a few statspack reports someplace when you are having trouble I am sure others will be happy to comment. Use 5-10 minute intervals when you are having the problems.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 9:03 AM To:
Subject: Where To Use Additional Memory

Recently my manager stopped by my desk and asked why the additional 2 Gb=3D20=3D
of memory the Sysadmin added to the production server was not improving=3D20=3D
our OLTP transaction response time=3D2E Ok course I had no idea that any=3D20=3D
additional memory had been added to the server so I am obviously not using=3D20=3D
it for the database=3D2E=3D2E=3D2E

We are new to Oracle 9=3D2E2 (9=3D2E2=3D2E0=3D2E5) and AIX 5L = (5=3D2E2)=3D2E I have
read all=3D

about the new 'advice' catalog views and memory management in = 9i=3D2E=3D20=3D

I have a few questions:=3D20=3D

  1. How safe is it to turn on db_cache_advice during peak = transaction=3D20=3D periods?
  2. How reliable/useful are the stats that I see out of the V$ = advice=3D20=3D views?
  3. Does anyone have a tried and true method for determining the best place=3D20=3D to use additional physical free memory?

TIA=3D2E=3D2E=3D2E Patty

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Received on Wed Dec 08 2004 - 09:41:45 CST

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