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Re: How to deal with the giant Oracle

From: Eric D. Pierce <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 15:39:53 -0800
Message-Id: <>

My peripheral vision is getting worse with age, especially when moving at high speed, but didn't Oracle just come out with a huge marketing effort stating that Oracle saved $1billion/year by changing over to eCommerce using its own software/solutions? How is Oracle going to successfully market its software/solutions to the corporate world unless it makes its existing customers "eat the dog food" first? :)

Anyway, I hate to say it, but Metalink can actually be better than talking to tech support people sometimes. Just takes some getting used to.


On 16 Nov 2000, at 12:42, Wang, Linda wrote:

Date sent:      	Thu, 16 Nov 2000 12:42:02 -0800
To:             	Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
From:           	"Wang, Linda" <>
Subject:        	How to deal with the giant Oracle

> There have been several experiences that it is very difficult to have
> the giant Oracle corporation pay attention to the small company's DBAs.
> Oracle case 1:
> Recently, Oracle has changed the Technical support service policy to
> let only non-technical personnel pick up the phones.


background on cultural transformation and social change issues: -

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                     Michael Lerner is a gifted spiritual teacher and a
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    Profound and compelling, engaging and highly readable--it is a     passionate and sophisticated analysis which provides a powerful antidote     to a world tranquilized with trivia and adrift in drivel. Read it for your     own soul, and for the soul of the world as well.

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    Michael Lerner's exciting project of Emancipatory Spirituality--visionary     in character and practical in content--is a prophetic siren call to all of     us that progressive poltiics must be infused with deep meaning, sustaining     community and gut-bucket intimacy. Read this book and heed this call!

    --Cornel West is professor of African American Studies and of     Divinity at Harvard University and author of Race Matters.


    Michael Lerner is one of America's most important spiritual teachers, a     contemporary prophet whose insightful and visionary thinking has already     had a profound impact on American culture and thought.

             Lerner's Spirit Matters will help progressive politics get over     its fear of things religious and spiritual, new age enthusiasts to look     beyond themselves to community, and conservative religion to value     compassion and inclusion over fear and intolerance. Rabbi Lerner is a rare     and eloquent voice in combining matters of the spirit with matters of     justice.             

    Jim Wallis is Editor-in-Chief of Sojourners, the magazine of     Christian Evangelicals, and author of Faith Works


    Spirit Matters is an essential spiritual guide for the mindful progressive     activist.

    Michael Lerner challenges us to let down our cynical guard and contemplate     radical new ways of educating our children, providing health care for all,     reorienting our legal system and promoting corporate responsibility. But     Lerner breaks out of the narrow economistic vision, insisting that a     commitment to social justice be grounded in spiritual consciousness. Spirit     Matters is certainly a provocative and visionary call to replace corporate     globalization with globalization of the spirit.             

    Medea Benjamin, Founding Director, Global     Exchange and Green Party of California candidate for U.S. Senate

    I loved this book, both as a corrective to the old left-right distinctions,     and to the narcissism of spiritual searching that begins and ends with one's     self. Michael Lerner compellingly calls on us to transform ourselves and at     the same time become engaged in the painstaking work of social     transformation.

    Arianna Huffington
    Syndicated columnist
    How to Overthrow the Government


    "Spirit Matters is full of the widsom and compassion needed to heal our     planet."            

    --Michael Murphy, chairman, Esalen Institute author of Golf and     the Kingdom

    "Michael Lerner brilliantly and beautifully defines how spirituality can     infuse our efforts to create a world marked by social justice and personal     ecstacy. For thsoe of us who have experienced "burnout" in our strivings     for social change, this book is great medicine." Received on Thu Nov 16 2000 - 17:39:53 CST

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