Re: Object-oriented SQL statements

From: paul c <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 19:45:37 GMT
Message-ID: <Bz7pi.184$rX4.155_at_pd7urf2no>

Marshall wrote:
> On Jul 23, 7:43 am, Nis Jørgensen <> wrote:

>>Bob Badour skrev:
>>>Zorro wrote:
>>>>Please comment on the approach illustrated in :
>>>>On July 19 this was posted at comp.object.
>>>Typical nonsense from comp.object on how to cripple a DBMS by forcing it
>>>through a low-level procedural language and a profoundly limited interface.
>>That would be my guess as well, without following the link :-)

> Skimmed over it. It doesn't support joins. You can only query one
> table at a time.
> This has become the first question I ask when I see a new
> approach: what does join support look like?
> Marshall

Good points, it looks like one has to re-invent the relops for oneself.   Successful consultants usually see the financial advantage in that. Yet they say they have a happy marriage which confines them to the SQL standard. I predict divorce at some point. It also says they have a verifiable conceptual model. What does it mean to verify the conceptual model of SQL? Looks like they are just throwing words around, like most vendors, they might change all the words tomorrow and still sell the same product. The selling point might be that it would be just as coherent as it was yesterday, namely not at all. There seems to be no lack of buyers who consider that an advantage.

Does the OP somehow qualify as SPAM, eg., the database equivalent of scientology?

p Received on Mon Jul 23 2007 - 21:45:37 CEST

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