Re: Oracle does it again

From: Noons <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 21:50:26 +1100
Message-ID: <hmdhht$2fj$>

Mladen Gogala wrote,on my timestamp of 28/02/2010 12:12 PM:

> for the right job applies here. Other databases are getting better and
> better and they can do more and more. One needs Oracle RDBMS only to do
> the heavy lifting, smaller stuff can be done by other databases. RAC is
> the only reason to go for Oracle RDBMS and not for something much, much

Where I work:

  • Oracle dbs: 3, with development instances.
  • Non-Oracle, mostly SQL Server: 9, with 3 additional development. That's after consolidation: previously we had 6 Oracle and >35 SQL Server.

Need I say more?

I just have to laugh when the Oracle reps come in and ask if I'm using grid to "manage *all* my Oracle dbs".... Received on Sun Feb 28 2010 - 04:50:26 CST

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