Re: Anyone been able to raise Steve Adams at oracle-l?
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 22:36:11 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <>
On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 21:24:53 +0100, Gerard H. Pille wrote:
> But the minute you open your mouth, MG, you have me ROFL.
I guess this wasn't meant in a good way? My calling Steve Adams a prick bothers you? Well, I can't help you, I was on that list long before he was and the list used to be much more useful than it is now. He is protecting the feelings of the morons, at the expense of the list, which became largely unreadable. Having been one of the 1st people on that list, I didn't take the whole thing lightly. At the same time, he stopped doing anything with Oracle. His Ixora site is a joke and the last book he published was a long time ago. Even that book has problems, to put it mildly, because of using terms like "blocking AST" without explanation, through a whole chapter. In other words, his sole contribution of recent years consists making oracle-l safe for lazy morons and preventing someone like me from hurting their feelings. That's why I consider him a prudish prick.
On the other hand, I can't relate your name to any contribution to the Oracle community. I remember you arguing with Sybrand and that's it. So, you are one of those people trying to make DBA's behave like clerks? Good luck, your contribution to this forum will be remembered long after you move to the management. You are an ideal management candidate, your future is bright.
-- http://mgogala.freehostia.comReceived on Mon Oct 26 2009 - 17:36:11 CDT