Re: Death of the DBA
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 08:54:23 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Aug 23, 11:15 am, Helma <> wrote:
> > People that are able to find jobs in the US doing Oracle DBA work will
> > tend to stay in that skillset as the pay range for SQL Server DBA's
> > tends to be quite a bit lower. I have known people unable to find
> > things in the Oracle realm that have been "forced" to go in that
> > direction.
> Yes, that's indeed what worries me as well, hence the question I put
> forward in this forum. For most of the Oracle contract offers i see,
> there is often a MSsqlserver skill required as well. And in the
> contract i'm currently serving, the majority of the databases are
> MSsql, but all the DBA's are oracle DBA's: skills left over from a
> different time? That's ok for them, if you've got a permanent contract
> here in the Netherlands you won't be fired quickly, but for
> contractors the situation is more demanding. You just can't afford to
> ignore the trends, and you just can't offer yourself as someone with
> only Oracle skills, IMHO. Being just an oracle DBA may not be enough
> these days.
Well it is different for every person and for every city and each region. SQL server is not going away but I don't see it picking up much more marketshare than it already has around here.
When you depend on contract work you live and die by the changing demands. We do have some SQL server around the edges of my shop but only the web group touches it.
There does seem to be still a demand in the US for experienced Oracle DBA's ... not what it was maybe 10 years ago but still an active marketplace. Received on Sun Aug 23 2009 - 10:54:23 CDT