Re: Log files tuning
From: Michael Austin <>
Date: Mon, 04 May 2009 17:07:30 -0500
Message-ID: <7yJLl.17805$>
joel garry wrote:
>>>>> On Apr 30, 8:56 am, Shakespeare <> wrote:
>>>>> I was under the impression it was more subtle than that - there are
>>>>> some features used internally by the db, but you have to pay to use
>>>>> them yourself. So you can't really disable them. Don't have time to
>>>>> research just now, so take with grain of salt. (I quickly found the
>>>>> MS FUD about AWD and ADDM tables being used internally, but wouldn't
>>>>> want to quote that). But I will quote this: "Instrumentation has been
>>>>> built into every layer of the technology stack, capturing vital
>>>>> metadata that will be used to diagnose problems and storing the
>>>>> information in the database itself in the Automatic Workload
>>>>> Repository (AWR)—a fundamental component of the new management
>>>>> infrastructure that plays a central role as the "data warehouse of the
>>>>> database."
>>>>> I will point out that there are useful displays in dbconsole that
>>>>> don't require the licensing. I find a few things I use all the time,
>>>>> much better visualization than any script I've seen, including the
>>>>> space and gross performance issues. For the OP situation of a newbie,
>>>>> my advice continues to be, get a working knowledge of dbconsole, and a
>>>>> deep knowledge of how to figure out stuff as Mark advised. And
>>>>> definitely second what Mark said about the tools, and apply it to
>>>>> advice in general, which has been succinctly described by the wise as
>>>>> "trust but verify."
>>>>> I think some of the options (or their commercial equivalents) are
>>>>> worth it, but it can be difficult to justify to a cost-conscious
>>>>> management. Also note only just noticed the
>>>>> Embarcadero thing, I hope the sash stays around until I can get around
>>>>> to trying it).
>>>>> jg
>>>>> --
>>>>> is bogus.
>>>>> What's in a swine, eh?
Date: Mon, 04 May 2009 17:07:30 -0500
Message-ID: <7yJLl.17805$>
joel garry wrote:
> On May 3, 2:57 pm, Michael Austin <> wrote: >> Shakespeare wrote: >>> Michael Austin schreef: >>>> joel garry wrote:
>>>>> On Apr 30, 8:56 am, Shakespeare <> wrote:
>>>>>> Michael Austin schreef: >>>>>>> ddf wrote: >>>>>>>> On Apr 30, 8:25 am, Mark D Powell <> wrote: >>>>>>>>> On Apr 30, 9:06 am, BeginnerDBA <> wrote: >>>>>>>>>> Hi All, >>>>>>>>>> By using Oracle Enterprise Manager I can tune my database..I >>>>>>>>>> have been >>>>>>>>>> using it on Windows, however not yet on Unix, I am looking for some >>>>>>>>>> you think recommendable installing EM on Unix or WISE >>>>>>>>>> product, I was hearing about it, but honestly I don't know how much >>>>>>>>>> usefull would be. >>>>>>>>>> One more thing....Would you mind giving me some guide how can I >>>>>>>>>> tune >>>>>>>>>> it in the meanwhile??? is growing so fast. >>>>>>>>>> Thank you. >>>>>>>>> You do not need EM to tune your database nor do you have to have a >>>>>>>>> license for the EM Performance Pack so that you can use the AWR. >>>>>>>>> You >>>>>>>>> can tune the database using SQLPlus, statspack, and the information >>>>>>>>> available to you in the Oracle Performance and Tuning manual, the >>>>>>>>> Oracle version# Reference manual, and the DBA Administration manual. >>>>>>>>> You can install and configure EM to access your UNIX server based >>>>>>>>> Oracle databases if you wish. EM is a nice product but it is only a >>>>>>>>> tool and sometimes the designers lowest common denominator approach >>>>>>>>> does not result in the best advice being issued from some of the EM >>>>>>>>> features. Unless the pricing has changed on the Performance >>>>>>>>> packs it >>>>>>>>> is also expensive. >>>>>>>>> The fact that you database is rapidly growing may be a space >>>>>>>>> management issue, and will likely be an applicaiton SQL tunign >>>>>>>>> issue, >>>>>>>>> but is not in itself a database tuning issue. There are several >>>>>>>>> rdbms >>>>>>>>> data dictionary views that exist to help manage space including: >>>>>>>>> dba_segments, dba_data_files, dba_free_space, dba_extents, and >>>>>>>>> dba_temp_files. >>>>>>>>> The best advice anyone can give you is to read the Oracle manuals: >>>>>>>>> Concepts, DBA Admin, Backup and Recovery, first few chapters of SQL >>>>>>>>> manual, Performance and Tuning, and so on until you have read all >>>>>>>>> the >>>>>>>>> manuals that cover the features you use. >>>>>>>>> There is no substitute for knowledge. >>>>>>>>> HTH -- Mark D Powell -- >>>>>>>> I do not find a 'Performance Pack' offered; I do find a 'Diagnostic >>>>>>>> Pack' which provides access to the Automatic Workload Repository, and >>>>>>>> that pack does require a license: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> A company that I am aware of had the DiagPack included for free >>>>>>> because >>>>>>> you cannot NOT install parts of it, nor can you remove it from 10g >>>>>>> on... >>>>>>> And the for new "phone-home" support to function, it must be >>>>>>> installed - >>>>>>> comes "free" with your support contract (forget what it is called >>>>>>> today). Was called CM then SCM? (tab on the main metalink page after >>>>>>> login - sorry don't have access to it at the moment). >>>>>>> Anything that cannot be removed, which means it is a CORE piece of the >>>>>>> product, IMProfessionalO should be included in any licensing >>>>>>> agreement. >>>>>>>> David Fitzjarrell >>>>>> Unfortunately, you have to pay for options when you use them. It may be >>>>>> so they can not be removed, but they can be disabled (e.g. through EM). >>>>>> An Oracle compliancy audit will check if they are disabled. If not, >>>>>> you'll have to bleed. >>>>>> Shakespeare >>>>>> Shakespeare
>>>>> I was under the impression it was more subtle than that - there are
>>>>> some features used internally by the db, but you have to pay to use
>>>>> them yourself. So you can't really disable them. Don't have time to
>>>>> research just now, so take with grain of salt. (I quickly found the
>>>>> MS FUD about AWD and ADDM tables being used internally, but wouldn't
>>>>> want to quote that). But I will quote this: "Instrumentation has been
>>>>> built into every layer of the technology stack, capturing vital
>>>>> metadata that will be used to diagnose problems and storing the
>>>>> information in the database itself in the Automatic Workload
>>>>> Repository (AWR)—a fundamental component of the new management
>>>>> infrastructure that plays a central role as the "data warehouse of the
>>>>> database."
>>>>> I will point out that there are useful displays in dbconsole that
>>>>> don't require the licensing. I find a few things I use all the time,
>>>>> much better visualization than any script I've seen, including the
>>>>> space and gross performance issues. For the OP situation of a newbie,
>>>>> my advice continues to be, get a working knowledge of dbconsole, and a
>>>>> deep knowledge of how to figure out stuff as Mark advised. And
>>>>> definitely second what Mark said about the tools, and apply it to
>>>>> advice in general, which has been succinctly described by the wise as
>>>>> "trust but verify."
>>>>> I think some of the options (or their commercial equivalents) are
>>>>> worth it, but it can be difficult to justify to a cost-conscious
>>>>> management. Also note only just noticed the
>>>>> Embarcadero thing, I hope the sash stays around until I can get around
>>>>> to trying it).
>>>>> jg
>>>>> --
>>>>> is bogus.
>>>>> What's in a swine, eh?
>>>> I consider anything they include - that I am not able to remove or >>>> have the option to not install like those book clubs years ago... They >>>> would send you a book about jungle cats and then call and harass you >>>> until you paid for it. The law said that because you did not request >>>> it, not only did you not have to pay for it, but you also did not have >>>> to return it. I see no difference in what companies like Oracle are >>>> doing. It is basically a bait-and-switch feature. I have never seen >>>> any court rulings that this is true of Oracle, but wouldn't surprise >>>> me if they exist and were "sealed" to prevent us from seeing them. >>> Unfortunately, you accept the license terms before using the product. >>> And it's in... the license terms. You did not accept a book club >>> license, did you? >> You make sure you talk to the sales guy before downloading, installing >> and using it to ensure you only pay for what you use/want. >> >> >> >>> I have just been confronted with a customer, not disabling nor using the >>> extra options on EE. Oracle wanted them to PAY for the options after a >>> license audit.... >>> We succeeded in negotiating not having to pay for them..... >> Again, if you cannot decline to install or remove "extra-cost items" >> they cannot in all good conscience make you pay for them regardless of >> the licensing agreement that you never signed. >> > > I actually submitted an SR asking how to remove certain things that > got installed by the dbca that I'm not licensed for, and it appeared > support didn't know how to do that (which may have been as simple as > deselecting with the installer, but time pressures at the time didn't
Having spent 2+ years doing nothing but installing Oracle Software (probably 3-400+ servers - and I was only one in a group of 6) I can tell you that you cannot NOT install it, nor can you remove it as too many things within Oracle itself uses them. EE should include everything. Period.
In that time I also installed somewhere in the neighborhood of 20+ RAC clusters and nine 1/2RACS (CRS-only Active/Passive failover "clusters").
There is an Oracle whitepaper on how to do this - I disagree with doing
this, but the basic reason was simple. In this configuration, it is NOT
RAC and therefore you only pay for 1 db server because the db only runs
on one server at a time...
> jg > -- > is bogus. > Louie, Louie. on Mon May 04 2009 - 17:07:30 CDT