Re: installation error
From: Michael Austin <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:26:14 -0500
Message-ID: <nw0Hl.19310$>
happytoday wrote:
>>>>> have downloaded all necessary packages needed for Oracle
>>>>> installation but with failure in installation as below :
>>>>> oracle _at_ inhome /opt/oracle/database>echo $DISPLAY
>>>>> oracle _at_ inhome /opt/oracle/database>./
>>>>> system SUNWbtool CCS tools bundled with SunOS
>>>>> system SUNWgcc gcc - The GNU C compiler
>>>>> system SUNWhea SunOS Header Files
>>>>> system SUNWi15cs X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support
>>>>> system SUNWi1cs X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support
>>>>> system SUNWi1of ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) Optional Fonts
>>>>> system SUNWlibm Math & Microtasking Library Headers & Lint Files
>>>>> (Usr)
>>>>> system SUNWlibms Math & Microtasking Libraries (Usr)
>>>>> system SUNWtoo Programming Tools
>>>>> system SUNWuiu8 Iconv modules for UTF-8 Locale
>>>>> system SUNWxwdv X Windows System Window Drivers
>>>>> system SUNWxwfnt X Window System platform required fonts
>>>>> system SUNWxwplr X Window System platform software configuration
>>>>> system SUNWxwplt X Window System platform software
>>>>> ERROR: information for "SUNWwfrun" was not found
>>>>> ERROR: information for "SUNWsport" was not found
>>>>> oracle _at_ inhome /opt/oracle/database>. runInstaller
>>>>> Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
>>>>> Checking installer requirements...
>>>>> Checking operating system version: must be 5.10. Actual 5.10
>>>>> Passed
>>>>> Checking Temp space: must be greater than 250 MB. Actual 1982 MB
>>>>> Passed
>>>>> Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 2348 MB
>>>>> Passed
>>>>> Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors
>>>>> >>> Could not execute auto check for display colors using
>>>>> command /
>>>>> usr/openwin/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set.
>>>>> Failed <<<<
>>>>> Some requirement checks failed. You must fulfill these requirements
>>>>> before
>>>>> continuing with the installation,at which time they will be rechecked.
>>>>> Continue? (y/n) [n] q
>>>>> Continue? (y/n) [n] n
>>>>> User Selected: No
>>>>> Exiting Oracle Universal Installer, log for this session can be found
>>>>> at /tmp/OraInstall2009-04-18_09-39-12PM/
>>>>> installActions2009-04-18_09-39-12PM.log
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:26:14 -0500
Message-ID: <nw0Hl.19310$>
happytoday wrote:
> On Apr 20, 4:25 pm, Michael Austin <> wrote: >> happytoday wrote: >>> On Apr 19, 5:53 pm, Michael Austin <> wrote: >>>> happytoday wrote:
>>>>> have downloaded all necessary packages needed for Oracle
>>>>> installation but with failure in installation as below :
>>>>> oracle _at_ inhome /opt/oracle/database>echo $DISPLAY
>>>>> oracle _at_ inhome /opt/oracle/database>./
>>>>> system SUNWbtool CCS tools bundled with SunOS
>>>>> system SUNWgcc gcc - The GNU C compiler
>>>>> system SUNWhea SunOS Header Files
>>>>> system SUNWi15cs X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support
>>>>> system SUNWi1cs X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support
>>>>> system SUNWi1of ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) Optional Fonts
>>>>> system SUNWlibm Math & Microtasking Library Headers & Lint Files
>>>>> (Usr)
>>>>> system SUNWlibms Math & Microtasking Libraries (Usr)
>>>>> system SUNWtoo Programming Tools
>>>>> system SUNWuiu8 Iconv modules for UTF-8 Locale
>>>>> system SUNWxwdv X Windows System Window Drivers
>>>>> system SUNWxwfnt X Window System platform required fonts
>>>>> system SUNWxwplr X Window System platform software configuration
>>>>> system SUNWxwplt X Window System platform software
>>>>> ERROR: information for "SUNWwfrun" was not found
>>>>> ERROR: information for "SUNWsport" was not found
>>>>> oracle _at_ inhome /opt/oracle/database>. runInstaller
>>>>> Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
>>>>> Checking installer requirements...
>>>>> Checking operating system version: must be 5.10. Actual 5.10
>>>>> Passed
>>>>> Checking Temp space: must be greater than 250 MB. Actual 1982 MB
>>>>> Passed
>>>>> Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 2348 MB
>>>>> Passed
>>>>> Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors
>>>>> >>> Could not execute auto check for display colors using
>>>>> command /
>>>>> usr/openwin/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set.
>>>>> Failed <<<<
>>>>> Some requirement checks failed. You must fulfill these requirements
>>>>> before
>>>>> continuing with the installation,at which time they will be rechecked.
>>>>> Continue? (y/n) [n] q
>>>>> Continue? (y/n) [n] n
>>>>> User Selected: No
>>>>> Exiting Oracle Universal Installer, log for this session can be found
>>>>> at /tmp/OraInstall2009-04-18_09-39-12PM/
>>>>> installActions2009-04-18_09-39-12PM.log
>>>> To be an effective DBA you must also be a pseudo-SysAdmin to be able to >>>> troubleshoot simple stuff like this. Read the install guide and other >>>> resources on configuring X-Windows to function with your server/pc. >>> How can I configure DISPLAY variable and X-windows ? Any tutorials ? >> As root >> echo $DISPLAY >> >> As Oracle >> export DISPLAY=<same as root display> > > They are the same as below : > root _at_ inhome />echo $DISPLAY > > > root _at_ inhome />su - oracle > Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005 > You have new mail. > > oracle _at_ inhome /export/home/oracle>echo $DISPLAY > > > is my IP address . Is there is any editing should be done > to /etc/hosts or /etc/nsswitch.conf ? > > >
what happens when you execute:
As user Oracle:
Received on Mon Apr 20 2009 - 10:26:14 CDT