Nothing like an ORA 600 in the middle of a recover database eh?
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 17:21:22 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
Nasty bug in 64 bit ... ( we are running OEL 5.1 ).
So you are in the middle of a recover database and forward recovering with archive logs ... then you see this:
ORA-00279: change 568074198 generated at 03/13/2009 10:47:27 needed
for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion :
ORA-00280: change 568074198 for thread 1 is in sequence #2484
ORA-00278: log file '/u02prod/archivelogs/
no longer needed for this recovery
ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [krr_init_lbufs_1], [74],
[43], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-01112: media recovery not started
Only 1 hit in metalink but fortunately a documented bypass ( from bug 7373196 evidently ).
Bypass was documented as:
So set this parameter to 4194304 (ie 4Mb) in the init.ora/spfile
then that should be good enough to
function as a workaround and allow recovery.
- It did work but man what a mess. Set the _max_io_size before doing the forward recovery then you better get rid of it before running normal workloads.
Supposed to be fixed in 11.2 ... ( and perhaps next 11.1 patchset? ). Received on Tue Mar 17 2009 - 19:21:22 CDT