Re: recommended way of exporting/importing big data sets
From: Palooka <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 02:49:18 +0000
Message-ID: <NQjul.96988$ot7.13168_at_newsfe15.ams2>
Michael Austin wrote:
>> What is the recommended method to export and later import big tables
>> (1-5 Mio rows with ca. 50 columns)?
>> database oracle 10gR2
>> Goal, Copy some big tables from remote DB1 (no filesystem access, no
>> DBA role, etc.) to locally managed DB2 (full access).
>> I checked datapump but it requires to create a DIRECTORY on server
>> side. I am only a normal user on that database and without access to
>> filesystem.
>> is the old exp/imp good approach, or there are better ones (create
>> table over database link)?
>> thanks,
>> chris
I think he means Oracle database #2, not DB2.
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 02:49:18 +0000
Message-ID: <NQjul.96988$ot7.13168_at_newsfe15.ams2>
Michael Austin wrote:
> ciapecki wrote:
>> What is the recommended method to export and later import big tables
>> (1-5 Mio rows with ca. 50 columns)?
>> database oracle 10gR2
>> Goal, Copy some big tables from remote DB1 (no filesystem access, no
>> DBA role, etc.) to locally managed DB2 (full access).
>> I checked datapump but it requires to create a DIRECTORY on server
>> side. I am only a normal user on that database and without access to
>> filesystem.
>> is the old exp/imp good approach, or there are better ones (create
>> table over database link)?
>> thanks,
>> chris
> > > you "could" install DB2Connect on the Oracle box and use Heterogeneous > Services to create a DB link to the DB2 db and just insert into ... > select * from ... >
I think he means Oracle database #2, not DB2.
Palooka Received on Thu Mar 12 2009 - 21:49:18 CDT