Re: how to activate oracle text in 10g enterprise

From: Palooka <>
Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2008 22:19:19 +0000
Message-ID: <NZX_k.25712$xx1.20786@newsfe24.ams2>

hpuxrac wrote:
> On Dec 6, 3:46 pm, Palooka <> wrote:

>> BicycleRepairman wrote:
>>> In 10g, Oracle Text is a component of the db. You can't not have it,
>>> and there is nothing to install.
>> Completely incorrect. As Steve Howard mentions, catctx.sql installs it.
>> Incidentally, catnoctx.sql removes it.
>> Palooka

> You gotta do something unusual not to have text already installed and
> working in a 10.2 environment.
> Gotta say Bicycle is "a little closer" than you are here.
> Judging by futher responses from OP now he is trying to re-install it
> when it was already in there ... nice work!

Sorry, but I disagree with your first two paragraphs. We don't all use the pre-cooked databases, or use DBCA and accept everything.

Agree the third paragraph though.

Palooka Received on Sun Dec 07 2008 - 16:19:19 CST

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