Re: Oracle 10g XE with SQL Developer
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 06:03:42 GMT
Message-ID: <2P7Uk.1036$>
"rvfulltime" <> wrote in message
> First of all my background. I was a software developer from 1975 until
> the late 1990s. I developed software on OpenVMS systems eventually
> writing code to interface to Oracle, Ingres, Rdb, Sybase, Progress, and
> Interbase databases. With Oracle I used the Oracle Call Interface. With
> the other databases I used their native call routines whenever possible.
> I had very use for any tools that sat on top of the database engine other
> than the interactive SQL tool. I also have very extensive experience with
> indexed file structions (ISAM, B-Tree, etc.). I haven't done any database
> development now for at least 15 years, so I'm a bit rusty. I'm now
> retired.
> I have a very small database application that I need to develop for our
> hiking club. The club has no money to buy any software, let alone any
> computers to run it. It works with volunteers only. I volunteered to
> look at better solution than a spreadsheet to keep track of the hikes and
> the hikers. I'm looking for a free database application and tools to
> develop the little application. I also need to develop it in a manner
> that allows me to transfer the entire application and database to someone
> else when I'm no longer around, move away, or whatever.
> The application involves only 4 tables, 3 which will be relatively stable
> once loaded, maybe 10% growth in number of rows per year, while the 4th
> table will be fairly active, which will be basically a log of every hike
> performed by every hiker. Two of the tables will have less than 10
> columns, while the other two may have up to 20 columns. Pretty simple.
> I need to be able to have a tool that will allow me to develop a form for
> easy adding, changing, and deleting of rows in each of the tables. It
> would be nice if the form would allow some simple data validation as it
> was entered by the end user, such as looking up the Hiker_ID in the Hiker
> table when it is being entered into the Hike_Log table. I also need to
> develop a few reports, some to validate the integrity of the data and some
> to list subsets of the data.
> I looked at the Open Office suite and MySQL. After spending several hours
> experimenting, the Open Office database product doesn't appear to have the
> capabilities that I need. Perusing the MySQL web pages I was not able to
> find any free tool that allowed the data entry form development.
> Oracle appears to offer a FREE database product called Oracle 10g XE.
> Their web page also indicates that SQL developer is also free.
> The reporting that I need appears to be available in SQL developer. My
> question is: Does SQL developer allow me to develop the simple insert,
> update, and delete forms that could be used by people that find simple
> word processing to be a challenge?
> Thanks in advance.
You can use that and you can use Oracle apex. It makes nice html forms to
do what you want.
Received on Mon Nov 17 2008 - 00:03:42 CST