Re: ORA-12899: value too large for column with Oracle Patch
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 18:10:56 +0200
Message-ID: <gcim28$3m8$>
Hi all,
thank you for your comments.
It is already an answer that nobody knows about a similar problem.
At the moment it is difficult to insert some monitoring because the errors happened to rarely compared to the throughput but I will think about it. Reproducing with other tools is problematic.
BTW: I am living in the North of Italy, in South Tyrol, where there are three official languages, mainly Italian and German. Our company is mixed German/Italian and produces administration software, for example ERP systems designed for the multi lingual market in South Tyrol together with the financial situation in Italy. I am originally from Germany.
The strange variable ADCABRRZDATUMSTORNIERUNG which seems to be nonsense is
an abbreviation for:
which would be in English something like
"Date cancellation for the calculation of the data center of the checks in
the orders and cycles " :-).
Arne Ortlinghaus
"Arne Ortlinghaus" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> After having upgraded from to in our programs on
> different sites we have sporadic errors of the following type:
> ORA-12899: value too large for column
> (actual: 13, maximum: 7)
> In all cases the code for filling the fields is in Update triggers, the
> field lengths are correct. In this case in the update trigger there is the
> row
> :NEW.adcabrrzdatumstornierung := SYSDATE;
> and adcabrrzdatumstornierung is a date field.
> The error is rarely but be had it in different parts of the program. It
> has happened also to a char(14) field.
> Before upgrading we had not this type of error. Does anybody has a similar
> problem?
> Arne Ortlinghaus
> ACS Data Systems
Received on Wed Oct 08 2008 - 11:10:56 CDT