Connecting to oracle (via JDBC) from unix through a firewall
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2008 20:42:30 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
I am trying to access my employer's Oracle server through a Java application (using JDBC thin). "I originally tried ssh -L 1521:$serverIP$:1521 user@$employerShellServer$" but I quickly discovered that Oracle tries to make a second connection back to the client via a random port. I've looked at previous threads on this newsgroup on how to fix this problem but many of them refer to Oracle Metalink (which I don't have an account for) or specify adding registry keys (which won't work in linux/OS X).
I've also tried changing my JDBC url to specify SERVER=DEDICATED (example below) but I only get the same error (IO Exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection).
Is there some way (hopefully via the JDBC url) I can tell oracle to connect back through the incoming port (1521) or some utility I can install on my employer's shell server to act an as oracle proxy?
Received on Sat Jun 14 2008 - 22:42:30 CDT