Re: High Availability Options
From: Michael Austin <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2008 20:06:38 -0500
Message-ID: <SM01k.419$>
>> So, I've been asked to propose a HA solution for an Oracle database.
>> My original proposal was:
>> Production RAC cluster in data center A
>> DR Database (no cluster) in data center B
>> I originally proposed Oracle Enterprise at both sites with dataguard
>> being used to keep DR in synch with the prod cluster.
>> Naturally, that particular configuration added up to some serious
>> money (I don't recall the details, but I think we had 20+ LU's worth
>> of Oracle Enterprise at $40k a pop). Probably not surprisingly, the
>> customer came back and said "dear lord, can't you give us an HA
>> architecture for less money?"
>> Which brings me here. Are there any other best practises or
>> recommended approaches for a High Availability Oracle configuration
>> that don't rely on dataguard and Oracle Enterprise?
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2008 20:06:38 -0500
Message-ID: <SM01k.419$>
DA Morgan wrote:
> Pat wrote:
>> So, I've been asked to propose a HA solution for an Oracle database.
>> My original proposal was:
>> Production RAC cluster in data center A
>> DR Database (no cluster) in data center B
>> I originally proposed Oracle Enterprise at both sites with dataguard
>> being used to keep DR in synch with the prod cluster.
>> Naturally, that particular configuration added up to some serious
>> money (I don't recall the details, but I think we had 20+ LU's worth
>> of Oracle Enterprise at $40k a pop). Probably not surprisingly, the
>> customer came back and said "dear lord, can't you give us an HA
>> architecture for less money?"
>> Which brings me here. Are there any other best practises or
>> recommended approaches for a High Availability Oracle configuration
>> that don't rely on dataguard and Oracle Enterprise?
> > Anyone that pays Oracle $40K/cpu likely buys used cars for the price > on the window too. Bring in someone with experience working with > Oracle sales and I would expect a minimum 40% discount just by > virtue of asking for it.
Funny you should mention buying a used car... Oracle Sales force has got to be the best "used car salesmen" on the planet. If you do not know how to aggressively negotiate with them, they will eat your lunch.
Rule #1: NEVER, EVER pay their first or maybe even their second quote. Rule #2: If you did pay full price, you cannot afford to NOT hire a negotiator that understands rule #1. Received on Mon Jun 02 2008 - 20:06:38 CDT