Re: Oracle chief architect says there ought to be one Linux distribution: Red Hat
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 14:10:22 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On May 8, 4:54 pm, Michael Schmarck <> wrote:
> · Ramon F Herrera <>:
> > On May 8, 1:49 am, Michael Schmarck <>
> > wrote:
> >> Ramon F Herrera <> wrote:
> >> > Oracle supports -as they should- exactly ONE distribution for every
> >> > OS.
> >> > - One Macintosh distribution (if they ever supported the Mac)
> >> > - One IBM mainframe distribution (MVS)
> >> > - One Solaris
> >> > - One AIX
> >> > - One HP-UX
> >> > - One Windows
> >> > and, last but not least:
> >> > - One Linux distribution
> >> > Why should Linux be different?
> >> Because Linux is different? How many Windows, HP-UX, AIX
> >> distributions are out there?
> >> Michael
> > There are many Windows versions/distributions, you know that.
> Sure. But it's, more or less, a stable environment ("stable" in the
> sense that it doesn't change much - obviously not in the sense, that
> it runs well).
> > Linux may be different in a sense, but that doesn't mean that Oracle
> > should support multiple distributions (*).
> Wrong. Oracle should do exactly that.
> > That would be simply
> > insane.
> No. It would make a lot of sense.
> > I just hacked a new distro, it is called "Ramonux", it contains lots
> > of spiffy kernel innovations. Should I call Oracle to demand that they
> > support it?
> If it's as widely used as, let's say, Ubuntu or Debian: Yes, why not?
> > Anyone who can't/won't spring several hundred dollars for the official
> > supported distribution by Oracle (RedHat Enterprise Edition) should
> > be banished from using Oracle.
> Why just RHEL? Why not (also) SLES? What's wrong about Debian or
> Ubuntu LTS?
> It's not about being able to shell out a few hundred bucks. It's
> rather, that Oracle should not try to force what Linux version is
> okay to use, if there's no good reason (and there isn't).
> > (*) and by "multiple" I mean the strict: "more than one".
> Understood.
> Michael Schmarck
> --
> I feel sorry for your brain... all alone in that great big head...
Go check under "Certify" on for what distros are
and are not supported.
Or would you rather just spew forth an uninformed opinion?
-bdbafh Received on Thu May 08 2008 - 16:10:22 CDT