Re: HELP - Oracle 8.05

From: hpuxrac <>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 12:17:44 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On May 1, 1:49 pm, wrote:
> Here is my dilemma:   I have some work to do for a client that
> requires Microstation, Microstation GEO Graphics and Oracle 8.05
> cleint.
> I have the two Microstation pre-requisites.  I have called Oracle and
> the good news is that if they could find it they would give it to me
> FREE.   Great unfortunately it was decomissioned 12 years ago.
> My Plea is:  Does anyone have a copy of Oracle 8.05 for windows that
> they would be willing to help me out with.
> I would gladly give you our Oracle contact if you want to verify that
> they indeed would supply it free of charge.
> Jeff Walsh
> 650.633.9415
> But anyway I am desperate for this version of the software.
> Any help would be a blessing....
> Thanks,
>  Ken

Whether oracle wants to admit it or not, oracle can still supply copies of that software.

Your customer oracle contact can open up a service request and get you that software.

Yes other cdos posters could possibly do that but this is the correct way to proceed. Received on Thu May 01 2008 - 14:17:44 CDT

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