Re: oracle 9 on solaris 8 - exception reporting

From: sybrandb <>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:06:07 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 24, 12:53 am, kerravon <> wrote:
> We have an insert/update transaction that normally takes 0.2 seconds
> but
> sometimes takes as long as 16 seconds.  The granularity of statspack
> is 30
> minutes and that is too long to see if there was anything causing
> delays.
> Is there a way of getting Oracle to report a reason why any query
> takes
> more than 1 second?
> Thanks.  Paul.

Event 10046,level 12, will dump all waits to the trace file. There are various methods to enable this event, and they are version dependent.
You could of course issue the following code in an after-logon trigger execute immediate 'alter session set events='10046 trace name forever, level 12';

Sybrand Bakker
Senior Oracle DBA
Received on Thu Apr 24 2008 - 07:06:07 CDT

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