Re: query using index get no row?
Date: 18 Apr 2008 11:50:32 GMT
Message-ID: <48088b08$0$6432$>
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 01:24:09 -0700, perivoj wrote:
> I had this two queries:
> select * from table where id = number; select /*+ NO_INDEX (table
> PK_IDX)*/ * from table where id = number;
> When query used index no row was returned. Index is on primary key
> column and status in user_indexes was 'VALID'.
> Goran
This looks like a really nasty bug. Hints should have absolutely no effect on the result set, only on the execution path. Can you tell us what version is that and on what is the platform? My advice would be to check the alert log for lovely strings like /^ORA-0600: .*/. Open a TAR immediately and alert Oracle Support. This looks like a row not being in the primary key index. Did you enforce the primary key with some strange index?
-- Mladen Gogala http://mgogala.freehostia.comReceived on Fri Apr 18 2008 - 06:50:32 CDT