RHEL4 Linux/MF CObol precompiler question-
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 15:26:01 -0400
Message-ID: <lY6dndRnX9pQP5rVnZ2dnUVZ_oGjnZ2d@sunynewpaltz>
We're migating our OS from AIX (Oracle & MF Cobol) to RHEL 4 (Oracle, also MF Cobol). Every program that compiles and runs on AIX seems to do the same on RHEL4. Every program except one, where the precompiler seems to be having a problem rejecting some (but not all!) sql exec directives:
Error at line 1081, column 12 in file SZBDBRG.pco
exec sql
PCB-S-00576, PLS-428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement
Error at line 1081, column 12 in file SZBDBRG.pco
exec sql
PCB-S-00576, PLS-0: SQL Statement ignored
Error at line 1097, column 12 in file SZBDBRG.pco
exec sql
the source code segment:
01078 * move ws-spriden-id to stuid. 01079 move ws-sourceid to ws-instid. 01080 01081 exec sql 01082 select stvsubj_code 01083 from stvsubj 01084 where rpad(stvsubj_code,4,' ') =:ws-shrtrce-subjcode 01085 end-exec. 01086 if sqlcode <> 0 01087 move 'N' to inst-validflag 01088 string 'Subject code not found in STVSUBJ table:' ', 01089 ws-shrtrce-subjcode delimited by size into ws-table 0---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Not sure what's going on..any ideas?
thanks in advance...
Received on Thu Apr 17 2008 - 14:26:01 CDT