Re: consolidation of multiple rows
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 13:46:51 -0500
Message-ID: <>
DA Morgan wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> In the case of Fortune 500 companies paying up to $500 per student per
>> day, yes. They don't want their employees sitting there watching a CD
>> spin.
> No. They prefer their employees spin while watching an endless parade
> of PowerPoint slides. Your ignorance is profound. Surveys done by the
> university show exactly the opposite. Corporations are sick and tired
> of paying for training that doesn't confer real world skills such as
> kernel configuration.
Of course, surveys done by a UNIVERSITY would show what the UNIVERSITY wants done. Corporations pay well for our classes, because it gives them what they want. And have been for over 17 years now.
And you have no idea what the content of our classes are.
> But I guess for someone who couldn't wrap their fingers around vi
> your response is par for the course.
You show a complete lack of understanding of the real world.
-- ================== Remove the "x" from my email address Jerry Stuckle JDS Computer Training Corp. ==================Received on Wed Mar 12 2008 - 13:46:51 CDT