Re: Convert SAP Oracle Database to IBM DB2 Database??

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 19:07:53 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Serge Rielau wrote:

> DA Morgan wrote:

>> Serge Rielau wrote:
>>> joel garry wrote:
>>>> Since most systems I've seen are eventually pushed to their limits, I
>>>> think this sort of trade-off can bring the day of necessary hardware
>>>> upgrade closer. But maybe the DB2 world is different.
>>> The design point is that most systems are I/O and/or main memory
>>> bound and have have some headroom on CPU. If the system is CPU bound
>>> then performance is less likely to improve.
>>> Cheers
>>> Serge
>> Though the time required to read 100 blocks is still going to be less
>> than the time required to read 300-400 blocks. So while you wouldn't
>> want to add additional CPU overhead you might still see a performance
>> improvement.
>> PS: You ought to measure the CPU required in Oracle 11g. A hint ...
>> it is very very small. Not like what some other vendors have done. <g>
> Apparently Oracle assumed CPU bound systems.. we all make our choices.
> Time will tell.
> Cheers
> Serge

Actually I think Oracle assumes storage costs money. Look up Pillar Data Systems
Funded by Lawrence Investments
Only one guess on Lawrence's last name.

Daniel A. Morgan
Oracle Ace Director & Instructor
University of Washington (replace x with u to respond)
Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
Received on Thu Feb 07 2008 - 21:07:53 CST

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