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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Morgan's Problem D'Jour
On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 21:42:14 GMT, Brian Peasland <>
>Daniel Morgan wrote:
>> Yes Oracle documentation has got me again. Here's the problem.
>> SQL> COMMENT ON OPERATOR contains IS 'Returns 1 if True, 0 if False if a
>> string or number contains a
>> different string or number';
>> COMMENT ON OPERATOR contains IS 'Returns 1 if True, 0 if False if a
>> string or number contains a diff
>> *
>> ERROR at line 1:
>> ORA-00966: missing TABLE keyword
>There are two different types of operators. You have operators that work
>with ConText, i.e. ORDSYS, and you have operators that work on regular
>old predicates. You created the latter. But it appears from your error
>message that you can only create comments on the former.
Are they different? Have I got the wrong thing here, or is Oracle ConText what is now named Oracle Text? (i.e. now the CTXSYS user) If so, don't the Oracle Text docs (or is it the cartridge docs?) say that Text is just an implementation of cartridges, and so it's all the same sort of operator?
Looks to me like Daniel's correct - the documentation is out of sync with the Oracle parser - it's not accepting 'comment on operator' despite it being a part of the syntax diagram.
Another way of looking at it - how can you get an entry in USER_OPERATOR_COMMENTS using a documented command? (without running as a superuser and messing with the data dictionary directly). DBA_OPERATOR_COMMENTS is empty on the 9i instance I tried it on, so either Oracle haven't commented their own objects or it just doesn't work.
-- Andy Hassall <> / Space: disk usage analysis tool <> / <>Received on Thu Mar 11 2004 - 16:21:12 CST
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