Re: Linking records together

From: Shakespeare <>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 22:53:09 +0200
Message-ID: <4abbdc3b$0$83248$>

Michel Cadot schreef:
> "PJ" <> a écrit dans le message de news: 4aba2123$0$23459$
> | Hi all,
> |
> | We need to track work items across several existing applications. Items can
> | start as a document on disk, can be renamed or moved, converted to a task
> | in an application, until they reach a certain state. The applications know
> | nothing about preceding or following applications and there is no common
> | identifier for the items, which has always been a good thing.
> |
> | My idea is to create a table for all events. Each application will record
> | their
> | own events. A minimum is one event per application with a starting and
> | finishing situation for that application. Example: "file \\folder1\x.doc was
> | moved to \\folder2\y.doc". Another application may follow up with
> | "\\folder2\y.doc was archived with id 12345". Each event will have a date
> | and time.
> |
> | My table will probably have the following columns:
> |
> | event_id number(10)
> | start_item varchar2(255)
> | end_item varchar2(255)
> | event_date date
> |
> | Sample data:
> |
> | 1 A B 2009-10-11
> | 2 G H 2009-10-12
> | 3 B C 2009-10-13
> | 4 H I 2009-10-17
> |
> | Records can be linked from end_item to start_item (the next application in
> | line will continue where the previous application stops). So in this sample
> | data I have two sets of records (1 with 3, 2 with 4) and recognize two
> | starting points A and G with two end points C and I. From A to C takes
> | two days, from G to I takes 5 days.
> |
> | Data entry is no problem. Reporting is. My resultset (a view, another table)
> | should be this:
> |
> | A C 2
> | G I 5
> |
> | How can I achieve this? I have looked at the connect by, but I get to many
> | records. So basically I have no idea where to start.
> |
> | Thanks in advance,
> | PJ
> |
> |
> create table event_track (
> event_id number(10),
> start_item varchar2(10),
> end_item varchar2(10),
> event_date date
> )
> /
> insert all
> into event_track values(1,'A','B',to_date('2009-10-11', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> into event_track values(2,'G','H',to_date('2009-10-12', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> into event_track values(3,'B','C',to_date('2009-10-13', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> into event_track values(4,'H','I',to_date('2009-10-17', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> into event_track values(5,'C','D',to_date('2009-10-19', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> into event_track values(6,'I','J',to_date('2009-10-22', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> into event_track values(7,'J','K',to_date('2009-10-23', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> into event_track values(8,'D','E',to_date('2009-10-27', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> into event_track values(9,'E','F',to_date('2009-11-27', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> select * from dual;
> alter session set nls_date_format='YYYY-MM-DD';
> SQL> select * from event_track order by 1;
> ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
> 1 A B 2009-10-11
> 2 G H 2009-10-12
> 3 B C 2009-10-13
> 4 H I 2009-10-17
> 5 C D 2009-10-19
> 6 I J 2009-10-22
> 7 J K 2009-10-23
> 8 D E 2009-10-27
> 9 E F 2009-11-27
> 9 rows selected.
> SQL> select connect_by_root start_item start_item,
> 2 end_item,
> 3 event_date - connect_by_root event_date evt_days
> 4 from event_track
> 5 where connect_by_isleaf = 1
> 6 connect by prior end_item = start_item
> 7 start with start_item not in (select end_item from event_track)
> 8 order by 1
> 9 /
> ---------- ---------- ----------
> A F 47
> G K 11
> 2 rows selected.
> Regards
> Michel

In my first post, I originally mentioned you as one of the solutions, but decided not to. Somehow I knew you would come up with a good and simple answer.....


Shakespeare Received on Thu Sep 24 2009 - 15:53:09 CDT

Original text of this message