Re: Linking records together
From: ddf <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:35:54 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Sep 23, 12:36 pm, "PJ" <> wrote:
> I should have known, the sample data is too easy. It won't work with more
> than two records per item. Real world will have a varying number of records
> per item, probably with an average of 6.
> PJ
> "ddf" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 23, 8:22 am, "PJ" <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > We need to track work items across several existing applications. Items
> > can
> > start as a document on disk, can be renamed or moved, converted to a task
> > in an application, until they reach a certain state. The applications know
> > nothing about preceding or following applications and there is no common
> > identifier for the items, which has always been a good thing.
> > My idea is to create a table for all events. Each application will record
> > their
> > own events. A minimum is one event per application with a starting and
> > finishing situation for that application. Example: "file \\folder1\x.doc
> > was
> > moved to \\folder2\y.doc". Another application may follow up with
> > "\\folder2\y.doc was archived with id 12345". Each event will have a date
> > and time.
> > My table will probably have the following columns:
> > event_id number(10)
> > start_item varchar2(255)
> > end_item varchar2(255)
> > event_date date
> > Sample data:
> > 1 A B 2009-10-11
> > 2 G H 2009-10-12
> > 3 B C 2009-10-13
> > 4 H I 2009-10-17
> > Records can be linked from end_item to start_item (the next application in
> > line will continue where the previous application stops). So in this
> > sample
> > data I have two sets of records (1 with 3, 2 with 4) and recognize two
> > starting points A and G with two end points C and I. From A to C takes
> > two days, from G to I takes 5 days.
> > Data entry is no problem. Reporting is. My resultset (a view, another
> > table)
> > should be this:
> > A C 2
> > G I 5
> > How can I achieve this? I have looked at the connect by, but I get to many
> > records. So basically I have no idea where to start.
> > Thanks in advance,
> > PJ
> You're making this too difficult:
> SQL> create table event_track(
> 2 event_id number(10),
> 3 start_item varchar2(255),
> 4 end_item varchar2(255),
> 5 event_date date
> 6 );
> Table created.
> SQL>
> SQL>
> SQL> insert all
> 2 into event_track
> 3 values(1,'A','B',to_date('2009-10-11', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> 4 into event_track
> 5 values(2,'G','H',to_date('2009-10-12', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> 6 into event_track
> 7 values(3,'B','C',to_date('2009-10-13', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> 8 into event_track
> 9 values(4,'H','I',to_date('2009-10-17', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> 10 select * from dual;
> 4 rows created.
> SQL>
> SQL> commit;
> Commit complete.
> SQL>
> SQL> column start_item format a10
> SQL> column end_item format a10
> SQL>
> SQL> select e1.event_id, e1.start_item, e2.end_item, round
> (e2.event_date - e1.event_date, 0) event_days
> 2 from event_track e1, event_track e2
> 3 where e2.start_item = e1.end_item;
> ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
> 1 A C 2
> 2 G I 5
> SQL>
> David Fitzjarrell- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:35:54 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Sep 23, 12:36 pm, "PJ" <> wrote:
> I should have known, the sample data is too easy. It won't work with more
> than two records per item. Real world will have a varying number of records
> per item, probably with an average of 6.
> PJ
> "ddf" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 23, 8:22 am, "PJ" <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > We need to track work items across several existing applications. Items
> > can
> > start as a document on disk, can be renamed or moved, converted to a task
> > in an application, until they reach a certain state. The applications know
> > nothing about preceding or following applications and there is no common
> > identifier for the items, which has always been a good thing.
> > My idea is to create a table for all events. Each application will record
> > their
> > own events. A minimum is one event per application with a starting and
> > finishing situation for that application. Example: "file \\folder1\x.doc
> > was
> > moved to \\folder2\y.doc". Another application may follow up with
> > "\\folder2\y.doc was archived with id 12345". Each event will have a date
> > and time.
> > My table will probably have the following columns:
> > event_id number(10)
> > start_item varchar2(255)
> > end_item varchar2(255)
> > event_date date
> > Sample data:
> > 1 A B 2009-10-11
> > 2 G H 2009-10-12
> > 3 B C 2009-10-13
> > 4 H I 2009-10-17
> > Records can be linked from end_item to start_item (the next application in
> > line will continue where the previous application stops). So in this
> > sample
> > data I have two sets of records (1 with 3, 2 with 4) and recognize two
> > starting points A and G with two end points C and I. From A to C takes
> > two days, from G to I takes 5 days.
> > Data entry is no problem. Reporting is. My resultset (a view, another
> > table)
> > should be this:
> > A C 2
> > G I 5
> > How can I achieve this? I have looked at the connect by, but I get to many
> > records. So basically I have no idea where to start.
> > Thanks in advance,
> > PJ
> You're making this too difficult:
> SQL> create table event_track(
> 2 event_id number(10),
> 3 start_item varchar2(255),
> 4 end_item varchar2(255),
> 5 event_date date
> 6 );
> Table created.
> SQL>
> SQL>
> SQL> insert all
> 2 into event_track
> 3 values(1,'A','B',to_date('2009-10-11', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> 4 into event_track
> 5 values(2,'G','H',to_date('2009-10-12', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> 6 into event_track
> 7 values(3,'B','C',to_date('2009-10-13', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> 8 into event_track
> 9 values(4,'H','I',to_date('2009-10-17', 'RRRR-MM-DD'))
> 10 select * from dual;
> 4 rows created.
> SQL>
> SQL> commit;
> Commit complete.
> SQL>
> SQL> column start_item format a10
> SQL> column end_item format a10
> SQL>
> SQL> select e1.event_id, e1.start_item, e2.end_item, round
> (e2.event_date - e1.event_date, 0) event_days
> 2 from event_track e1, event_track e2
> 3 where e2.start_item = e1.end_item;
> ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
> 1 A C 2
> 2 G I 5
> SQL>
> David Fitzjarrell- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Provide more accurate sample data, then. We work with what we're given; if that sample is not representative of the actual data how can anyone expect an accurate solution? Remember, please, "Garbage In, Garbage Out".
David Fitzjarrell Received on Wed Sep 23 2009 - 13:35:54 CDT