Re: Access frontal interface for Oracle database
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 22:07:04 +0200
Message-ID: <g7vet9$vhn$>
Shakespeare a écrit, le 11/08/2008 20:39 :
> It should be
Well, right, this executes with no error message. Thanks.
Nevertheless, remains the problem that the table in the user interface remains empty, just as when I executed the detailed query (INSERT INTO TMPCLIENTS SELECT * FROM TABCLIENTS). So, probably it would be interesting to test this with a database object declared at the opening of the menu form, that remains opened to the closure of the base, and close the database object only at that moment, and same thing for a session.
Probably, there is also a tip to find, so that the database in the interface is the same as the database in the code. Maybe it is quite as simple as using CurrentDb() instead of OpenDatabase -and defining a session on it. Until I do that, I am not sure there is not still something else to finalize afterwards.
At the moment being, I found a way to propose something that works, and I have quite shortly the time to put it in place. So, I cannot spend that time to finalize another solution, allas. The next time I have the environment I try that.
If somebody has time and the development environment and feels interested with finding all the different points of attention to implement an Access interface to an Oracle database, let him (her) feel free to do it, and kindly tell us.
So, your answer helps to run an Oracle stored procedure that I defined to initialize a temporary table on Oracle. This is one way.
A few persons told a temporary table is not needed. This is another way.
Perhaps there is still another solution, maybe.
I feel several developers could be interested by the description of the whole process to obtain an interface with which : - users can display data on several machines at a time - one user can modify the data at a time, and attempts to do it on another machine receive an alert message - and, the progress compared to what I am going to do, temporary data is mainly not stored on Access, which avoids to inflate the interface.
Thank you very much for your help and participation, even if I could not implement your proposal yet. Received on Wed Aug 13 2008 - 15:07:04 CDT